Probably you want to ask one of the popular questions:
Guaranteed Quality:
We have successfully manufactured the best quality as we can. These products have been accepted by big brands and we are sure you are going to love it as well.
Guaranteed Delivery:
Every order, every package will be delivered to the address you provided, if not. We refund or send again. How do we know whether it is delivered? We use traceable shipping service for all the order and we will know where the package is and what is happening to it.
Guaranteed Aftersales Service:
Your inquiry or report of problem will be replied in 1 to 2 business days. We have a complete set of solutions which enable us to solve your problem within the shortest time.
Where is my order?
ShootJerseys informs buyer tracking information via email.Have not received it?Log into your Shoot Jerseys account making sure order is shipped and find out the shipping details on the page.
How to buy jerseys?
1. Become a registered member.
2. Browse ShootJerseys and add into cart what you like.
3. Leave necessary information such as address and quantity
4. Pay for the order.We make our pages user-friendly and easy to use. There will be instructions for each step to remove your confusion. We do not accept orders over the phone.
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