We hope you enjoy your shopping experience with us. Your satisfaction is always our first priority. Please feel free to contact us if you need assistance. We will reply to you within 24 hours. Our Return & Refund Policy is as follows: 1, You may return all products within 7 days of delivery for exchange or refund. 2, To initiate an exchange or a refund , visit your Order History page. Simply click on "Leave A Message" next to the appropriate item and our customer service will help process your request. 3, Refunds will be issued back to the original form of payment that was used to place your order. After we complete your refund, we will send you a message/Email. Please allow 7-15 days for your refund to appear. 4, When a gift card/Coupon/Credit (or any other free giveaway) is applicable to an order and if that order is refunded for any reason, the gift card (or any other free giveaway) used in that order cannot be refunded. 5, We cannot refund or be responsible for any fees not paid to us, which includes customs taxes or VAT and any return shipping costs you may incur in the refund process. 6, You have to pay for the return shipping fee, unless a mistake is made by us.
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